Of all the shuffling one can do (i.e. off this mortal coil, off to Buffalo, etc.) the best is through autumn leaves.
I felt a little better this week. I certainly cried less, which is good for everyone. I guess. Anyway, I'm completely broke and starting to wonder if selling my kidneys is a good idea. Probably not. But don't I have two? What's the second one for, if not emergency funds? Or 401k? Social security is a joke, so I better figure something out. I can't sell my eggs because of the hormones involved, so I could think of some even less obvious form of prostitution.
I kid.
I should mention that I'm actually very lucky. I have good friends and a strong support network. It's my fault, I realize, if I don't take advantage of it the way I could. At least I can eat and I have a place to live and I'm not here. I need to learn that there's nothing wrong with relying on people who love you.
I went to the tiniest sushi place in town last night with Sam. I wish I had been hungry; I had finished the leftovers of my earlier brunch with Jessica just before he asked if I wanted to go out. Anyway, it's right across the street from us and it's probably 15' by 6', in less than half of which you can stand or sit at one of three stools at a counter to eat. The one piece of Sam's roll that I had was firm and yummy, and it looked like he got a lot of food for 12 bucks.
Since Mr. VNRS and I go out for sushi with some regularity, I texted him about this tiny place and said that we should make it our mission to try every sushi restaurant in Seattle. He said we should blog about it, which is a brilliant idea and one of the things that really turn me on about him. Food plus geekery: what's not to love?
It's interesting that he and I have both had similar disappointing experiences dating people who don't eat sushi. I used to blame lack of sushi eating to being Terminally White and/or Midwestern (where you can't get good fish so I don't blame them for not eating the raw stuff) but Mr. VNRS is from Minnesota (what is it with me and Minnesotans?). I guess it's just a relief to the both of us that we can go out and get the sushi body high together without feeling guilty or like we're cheating on our foodie dates, the way I felt when I went out with someone for any kind of meat-based deliciousness when I was with any vegetarian I've dated.