I can see my navel from here.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

On third thought...

Yes. It is that I am not taking my herbs. I hate this terrible plague even more than I did before, because it makes me crazy. For reals. It's not that I hate every single person in the world (except for, like, five of you who know who you are), because logically I don't. That's ridiculous. It's that I'm currently incapable of distinguishing actual emotion from anger.

Jaime tells me that anger is not, in itself, an emotion, it's simply a reaction to an emotion. That made so much sense when I heard it that I could have cried. Currently my anger is a reaction to omg my hormones are punching me in the face and I want to die. That's an emotion shared by female sufferers of PMDD and FTM transitioners on an imbalanced prescription of testosterone.

On a related crazy-making note, I can't tell when I'm hungry any more. I blame the lack of gluten: I'm getting all the nutrients that I can from what I'm eating now, so I'm less hungry, but now I don't have the tell-tale blood sugar headaches that I used to get telling me that it's time to eat. So I keep forgetting. My co-worker Shirley Jane told me today that I had lost weight (I can't tell) and that I should eat a bigger breakfast. Perhaps.

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